A few slicing questions

This is how Renoise works so Redux should be that way as well. Not 100% sure though

You’re quite right. The Redux VST/AU plugin instance is self-contained, so its state and contents are saved with the song/project, no matter if you’ve saved a preset file or not.

There’s a “Slices to Pattern” tool for Renoise. I think they’re the same things?

Indeed, Redux’s native Slices to Phrase function is based on my own Slices to Pattern tool, and will eventually be coming to Renoise 3.1 as a native function as well.

I’ve also had a few instances where I’ve tried the “render slices to phrase” option and it created a phrase of just one line with all notes on the one line. I’m not sure how to recreate this but it happened quite frequently.

At the moment, the Render Slices to Phrase function expects the original sample loop to contain at least one full bar (4 beats). It won’t work correctly with shorter loops.