A Few Suggestions for instruments

Hi, when working with Renoise, I thought about these suggestions. It would be useful for people like me who compose orchestral music with sampled instruments.
Somewhere in intrument properties (but I’m not very sure where) would be these settings : humanizing volume/delay . It would be cool if Renoise would randomly change volume (velocity) and delay of the sample/VSTi on the fly because having small delay values eveywhere in a track is a mess :P .
Also very useful would be a pre-delay (if that word exists) of a instrument, so the note of the instrument would be triggered certain amount of ms/ticks before it normally would.
That’s it, what’s your opinion? :slight_smile:

Seems like a random humanizer would sit more naturally as an effect plugin than as an instrument setting…?

I might not understand you correctly, but using the LFO and Random pattern on the velocity and also use an LFO on a delay effect (turn down the dry-mix fader if you only want the delay outcome), does that not give you some reasonable random approach to what you need?

Ok, I will try it, thanks :)