A few Waldorf Rocket instruments

Hello you lovely renoisy people!

I wanted to multi-sample my Waldorf Rocket and stumbled across the fantastic Autosampler from dogsplusplus and chrisr. What an amazing tool!

So, in an attempt to give something back to the tracker community, here are a few .xrni instruments:

temporary repository

There’s a ridiculous bassdrum, a few leads and some pad/lead experiments sent through the Alesis Picoverb (which turns mono signals stereo, so there’s that! All other instruments are mono.)

The bigger instruments have been sampled at multiple velocities and with round-robin layers, but since the Rocket only really responds in an Accent kind of fashion to velocity, that only made sense for sounds with a snappy transient.

Anyway - please enjoy!


Wow! Thanks for the instruments, sounds great!

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