A horizontal arranger view - Split from "Wishes for the next release"

Well, there are some stranglers out there amongst the mouse clickers and pianorollers. I was one of em and ended up stumbling across Renoise when I wasn’t even looking for a new DAW.

The idea of integrating popular features like piano roll and audio sequencing into a tracker would actually INTRODUCE people who don’t even know what a tracker is.

For instance,my first modular DAW was energyXT which is primarily a modular environment. However, it had a basic audio and midi sequencer that was familiar to me. One day, I was like, what does this complicated section actually do? Over ten years later and I now own Bidule(IMO the best modular environment, and it doesn’t have a sequencer OR piano roll :joy:

Don’t get me wrong, I’m a Vertical>Horizontal guy anyday now but any addition that includes the standard stuff found in any other DAW would only benefit Renoise as a whole even if these additions aren’t fleshed out and chock full of features.


anyone remembers Energy XT? :wink:

Idk - one thing leads to another, it’s a slippery slope, and we end with a general boring daw.

I think FL Studio went a bit too far with some of that dawing. I miss the old school pattern brick playlist matrix and the brutal simplicity of it.

If people want to try a tracker and like it - they should not be having a piano roll and horizontal dawish audio sequencing near them.

They should instead, get the tracker, download some basic 101 help manual, unplug Internet, get some undisturbed time and focus - and just get into tracking.

Renoise, imho, is one of the last from the days of old when the humanity had not wandered too far away from the song of Eru Ilúvatar - meaning it’s not bloated with crap and fancy graphic gradients and blurs, it’s straight to the point, it does what it does and does not do what it does not, and it runs on a toaster too. :wink: :slight_smile:


The ole EXT :smiling_face: those were the days. Changing colors schemes, different template projects…

I don’t understand the sort of tribalism when it comes to DAWs though. Sure FL added a lot of fluff and bloatware tbh but u can STILL make beats the old fashioned way. FL is pretty deep, even has a modular enviro plug-in…but most people who use it just smash out hip hop beats the same way. It didn’t hurt the core base of the program by adding things that aren’t used or even known to most of the core audience.

I say add everything, not for the sake of money, but just to make the program better. And let the users use it however they see fit.

I never used a tracker before Renoise, so I don’t have the same sentiments as others, however, it’s become very obvious for me that the tracker format is better for music making period, I see it as less of tracker and more of a ¿superior? way to make beats and stuff lol

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I think this is the most simplest solution that probably won’t take a lot of implementation and will keep things still authentically tracker-like. When it comes to long samples, it’s really helpful to just see where it begins and ends. Even if coloring it in wouldn’t work, it might be helpful to allow the user to make manual markers on the vertical pattern matrix at the play line.

And I think vertical automation would be awesome!

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+1 like the old guitar hero games where the color stream remained until the note release(note off)

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