A New Buzz Clone

did you know about this? a new clone of Buzz


can you run unwiedly tracker on it?

Didn’t know about it. Looks cool. Calvin is a very capable coder. :)

Do you know about buzzLE already?


I was looking forward to this a while ago, but I’m too deeply involved in Renoise now to care. :)

don’t care much about BUzz, but the unwiedly tracker intrigues me


should indicate that it DOES work with buze. Dunno, download and try? :)

it does. I just cant see the tracker. MAybe that will be fixed.

sagosen, maybe we can get calvin to drop all this Buzz nonsense and help out with Renoise. ;)

Ask him, then. :P

hcys: For mange kokker, etc… :D

Du har helt rett. Han er sikkert en sølekopp. Har hørt at han er rundhåndet med krydderet, og at han har tomatpurre i alt. Til og med i raspeballer. :(