A patch floating into a -12 semitone Valhalla Delay/Reverb

i freakin luv pitch reverbs!

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Did you also try valhalla-shimmer? It supports pitch by default.

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I ve only messed with the demo. I own the delay and the vintage verb… but man, I loved the shimmer… i think i tested that with Arturias Easel and maaaan!!! ,-) Killer combo!

Great mention! You prefer the shimmer?

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Crazy stuff as usuall!! Theres also the MOD thing yu get for free from Vallhalla.

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Thank YOU! Yeah man I’ve tried it but forgot about it, it was some sort of pitch delay mini thing right!? I remembered I liked it, but who doesn’t like Valhalla!? .-) I use it on everything really.

Have the polara when I do it daw less, but Valhalla is more like big sky and stuff! So price worthy!

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Then theres 2 one is the mentiond FRquDelay and the one I ment is the MOD (like supaCHROUS) Thing: [

Valhalla SpaceModulator

Earth Shattering Kaboom.

ValhallaSpaceModulator is our take on flanging. Eleven algorithms allow you to get through-zero flanging, barberpole flanging, detuning, doubling, strange echoes, reverbs, and all sorts of effects that defy description.

ValhallaSpaceModulator is FREE for anyone who has purchased a plugin directly from Valhalla DSP! Just fill out a survey, and ValhallaSpaceModulator is added to your user account!

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