A question about something samples in a track

good evening .

I have a question, I am tinkering with a song, I have extra tracks, and now my question is the samples at once from where it comes from, so you know where it comes from at the top right of the screen you see the red line, I hope you understand me, because I am converting it to 5.1 and 5.1 copy over 6 tracks, and that with that oactave (sample 0E call everything like that at once, for example by selecting and clicking somewhere press?

what throws me about this image is that you have a line going to the instrument 0E yet all the instruments you play in the pattern editor are 04 - so not 0E .

what are you trying to accomplish? can you write it in simple sentences, reducing the complexity of the communication will help what you want to accomplish become more clear and we can help you better.

wait… are you saying, you want the instrument 0E to actually play all those notes? then you would be using a phrase… you’d select all the note columns in the track, copy to clipboard, create a new instrument, create a new phrase, go to the phrase editor, paste the notes in, and make sure there’s an instrument / sample there that plays then.
you’d then have the phrase get played by putting it on the first row, at C-4 note, and the content in the phrase would start playing until the phrase finishes playing.

i hope i’m at least somewhat close to what you wanted to accomplish.

the other alternative is to obviously just render selection to sample aka select the whole track with all the note columns, and render it to a wavefile, and then play the wavefile by triggering it at c-4 on the first row.