Of course I agree on these things as well.
There could be one feature, that could make Renoise unique (AFAIK) when it comes to midi recording. That is recording different instruments/samples to different tracks. At once, for example when playing a drumkit. I’d say most of us like to have kick and snare in their own tracks, for DSP and so on. So why not already record them like that. (Btw, I mentioned this also in the Instrument Control Center thread.)
I haven’t been following other hosts that well. But I think most hosts still do drum midi recording like this in FLS. That is, the drums get all mixed up in track, which is not so nice, IMO. (Probably the audio outputs are still separated, but that’s another story.)
In some hosts when you record all in one track you can later separate notes by pitch to different tracks. For example: notes C (kick) on one track, notes C# (snare) on another… still not the best solution, IMO. But it’d be nice to have that in Renoise as well.