Just wanted to say thanks for this great update!
Eventhough I never felt the need for a mixer or recording I will ofcourse use them. I also understand that anything that makes this program better is good because it will attract more users.
I´m extremly impressed by the new automation funtionality.
But what I do feel is that features that are not huge vote able ones should not be forgotten.
Nowdays I do most of my recording live with keyboard and there are lots of small but really important features that would make a huge impact and greatly improve/speed up the workflow for us who want to do live recordings.
The main features I´m still missing are small things like:
Record quantisize:
Would be nice if one could quantize but also with the option to keep the delay value.
Example I want a bass to only end up on every other line but I want it to be with some delay at some lines. If I record live with quantisize on and record delay it will end up on every other line but will have a delay value.
When you record something live today you get delay values all over the place.
Its quite time consuming to fix these that got to big delay values and clean.
So a quantisize selection would be nice.
And also the ability to move/warp the stuff you have selected.
Often I make a couple of patterns and I start to record the same melody a couple of times untill I get it right. However the best take often happens to end up between two patterns.
Sometimes I also have a single pattern in which the recording will start in the middle of the pattern and end in the middle of the same pattern.
It can also be that I record a long solo and it ends up on several patterns but needs to be moved up or down.
So ability to move tracks/selections either let the warp inside a pattern/selection or/several patterns etc or move the data between patterns would be very useful.
Would be great if you could move also move stuff up or down subticks.
Countdown/record on keypress:
I can do the countdown myself by copying the first pattern.
So its not that important. But it ought to be quite easy to implement.
Overwrite recordmode: Right now one have to make a lot of patterns if I want to record the same thing a couple of times. This is because if the patterns loop it starts to mix with the old content.
Overwrite record mode would be so useful.
Add patterns when recording: Would also be very useful.
Ability to select small parts and to add and subtract from a selection.
This would also speed things up when you want to adjust every other drum etc.
You could also let a user store selections on a track as presets.
So that you can have a preset selection which selects every other line etc.
I really hope these stuff like this make it into the next comming updates because it makes what I think is the most important part of a music composing program the creation/edit process, quicker.