About Automation


A couple of small ideas

I would like to be able to hide automation.

1660 Снимок экрана 2011-01-29 в 0.08.12.png

And just to be able to synchronize automation with pattern.


sorry for my super English ))) I hope you understand me

Don’t know if this helps or if I fully understand question, however, there is an option to record automation in the automation envelope editor.

This way you don’t have to see the automation hex in the pattern editor.

You are right, but I woud like to use this pattern, because when you work with notes it looks more clear but also takes too much space.I like to use it but while I work with several chaneles it confuses me. That’s why it would be better to hide this panel.

As an example- final cut- it is very convinient to switch off such elements, which I don’t need

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1662 FC_002.png