and give me some comments, hints, rants and such, I’d really appreciate it. Please be aware though that I just added some basic/easy-to-do designs yet, I have plans for other (more artistic/meaningful/themed) stuff, but this will come in the future.
Should anyone honestly consider buying stuff please use Voucher-Code “EARLY06”, this saves you 3¤ with every order. (Basically thats a little bit more than the usual delivery cost).
But above all, I just would like some comments on the whole thing.
Also, on a sidenote, this is a shop for europe+japan only, haven’t set up a shop for america yet, sorry.
no luck yet, but the shop is online only for a few days now, I have just started marketing and I just have to be patient, I guess. I will also extend the US-Shop in December so I can have the same range of designs there, sucks abit to have only three designs for the people from america.
also, I opened a myspace page for the shop, I will post new designs and stuff in the blog there, if anyone is interested feel free to friend up with me or subscribe the blog.
thank you and when you feel like it then just buy it
I basically opened the shop because those are designs I want to wear myself. Its ofcourse a matter of money, but so far I own a “I am away” t-shirt (which really turns quite some heads when going out, alot of people get the joke) , the robot with the glowing eyes (looks also great in a dark club, ofcourse its not like a flashlight but the eyes are glowing quite bright), a shirt with an eagle that is not in this shop (because its the logo of a japanese energy-drink and I am afraid of copyright-stuff) and as soon as I got money I will get me an USB, a Squaresaw and a earththreeleaves shirt aswell as a 33/45 bag.
So it’s really not crapstuff to make easy money and I would be honoured if other people “dig” my ideas
got another question for those who did take a look at the shop : what do you think are my best 3 designs ? Because I currently can only have three designs in my US-Shop and I want them to be the best ones, but I woud like an independent opinon on this. would be grateful.