Hello Renoisers,
I face a small problem in renoise: If I assign a slider or knob
on my external MIDI controller to a volume/pan setting in
renoise, this setting gets messed up when I add/delete tracks.
The solution could be:
If renoise could map MIDI events to MIDI tags (i.e. idents, that
don’t change, when song structure changes), settings would
stay valid.
- “MIDI tags” are either set to their default names, e.g.
or to nothing, so the user must set first.
This information will be saved in xrns-files too (template song!).
If the tag dissapears, e.g. because the track is deleted, the
control change leads to nothing.
- if a renoise-side control is tagged with a deleted name again,
it reacts to that certain control change.
- If a former slider-tag is assigned to an incompatible type like
“on/off”, the value gets converted, e.g. by threshold.
- A “on/off” information from the controller to a value-based
setting in renoise would set minimum/maximum values.
What do you think ?
Thanks for reading & regards,