Add option to hide hidden files in disk browser and file chooser

Please consider adding an option to hide directories and files that start with a dot in some representation. It can be a button or a hamburger menu.
On UNIX-like operating systems such as macOS and Linux, these are called hidden files, and we usually like to keep them invisible.


You have to do that in your OS (folder) settings. Has nothing to do with Renoise.

I am really sorry, but I am not sure I understand what you mean.
Are you referring to the Windows Explorer option?

I was talking about files and directories starting with a dot in Linux and macOS, which I intended to mean differently than hidden files/hidden directories in Windows.
However, it would be nice to be able to choose whether or not to display hidden files and directories in Windows as well.
It seems that macOS also has an attribute called Invisible that is hidden in the Finder.

It would be nice to have an option to hide these “hidden files” and “hidden directories”.
It would look good if the Shows all files button in the file area of the disk browser could be added to the directory area and also to the file chooser.