[added 3.1 b6] Quick way to disable looping on many samples

I tested some sfz instruments, which sometimes having loop points in samples. Is there a quick way to disable looping in all samples at once or do i really need to manually set it for each one? I thought i can simply select the samples, set the loop option and it will be applied to all selected one. Sadly this is not the case. :frowning:

It was possible untill 3.0 final.
Now you have to set every sample manually.

If you load one and the same sample multiple times into one sampler for different settings on each single one, this would be a fine thing. But i think, they removed this option, because normally different samples are loaded on different notes. And every sample, if it’s not one and the same, always have different loop points, because the different samples have also different waveforms than any other, mostly because of different recorded played notes or different kind of recorded sound sources. The higher the note (or pitch) which was recorded, the faster the waveform’s single cycles. So at the end you have nevertheless to loop each sample individually. I think this is the reason, why they removed this option.

It can be done with a few lines of lua.
If you enable the scripting console, you can run the following snippet:

local instr = renoise.song().selected_instrument 
for _,sample in ipairs(instr.samples) do 
  sample.loop_mode = renoise.Sample.LOOP_MODE_OFF 

There is one situation where i miss it a lot (without a tool)!

You have drum loop and you loop it so you know you got it right

you create slices and you forgot turn looping off

you destructively render slices

then you make some changes and play it

wow you didnt turn off looping off so you have to go undo and revert changes

or turn looping off for every sample individually… sometimes there are a lot of samples…

Because i make this mistake often i miss that old posibility :slight_smile:

Added the loop mode back to the sample properties now (for the next beta). There’s enough space, it really doesn’t hurt, and it’s definitely useful for batch changing (disabling) loop modes, so…

Added the loop mode back to the sample properties now (for the next beta). There’s enough space, it really doesn’t hurt, and it’s definitely useful for batch changing (disabling) loop modes, so…

Thanks! I really missed this feature.