As vV already mentioned (but did not really go into detail), it’s actually quite straightforward to achieve many of these delay timings already, it just requires putting the delay effect into “line sync” mode, and then using a combination of line amounts combined with positive or negative offsets. For example, a delay of 1 line with 50% offset combines to form a delay of 1.5 lines, or a delay of 1 line with -50% offset forms a delay of 0.5 lines, etc.
Assuming that you’re using a song with an LPB setting of 4 (the default) and the typical 4/4 signature, here are some handy settings you can try:
1/1 = 16 lines = 0% offset
1/2 = 8 lines = 0% offset
1/4 = 4 lines = 0% offset
1/8 = 2 lines = 0% offset
1/16 = 1 line = 0% offset
1/32 = 1 line = -50% offset (0.5 lines)
1/64 = 1 line = -75% offset (0.25 lines)
1/1T = (16 lines / 3 = 5.33 lines) = 5 lines +33.3% offset
1/2T = (8 lines / 3 = 2.66 lines) = 2 lines +66.6% offset
1/4T = (4 lines / 3 = 1.33 lines) = 1 line +33.3% offset
1/8T = (2 lines / 3 = 0.66 lines) = 1 line -33.3% offset
1/16T = (1 line / 3 = 0.33 lines) = 1 line -66.6% offset
1/32T = (0.5 lines / 3 = 0.166 lines) = 1 line -83.3% offset
1/64T = (0.25 lines / 3 = 0.083 lines) = 1 line -91.6% offset
1/1D = (16 lines * 1.5) = 24 lines 0% offset
1/2D = (8 lines * 1.5) = 12 lines 0% offset
1/4D = (4 lines * 1.5) = 6 lines 0% offset
1/8D = (2 lines * 1.5) = 3 lines 0% offset
1/16D = (1 line * 1.5) = 1 line +50% offset
1/32D = (0.5 lines * 1.5) = 1 line -25% offset
1/64D = (0.25 lines * 1.5) = 1 line -62.5% offset
The delay effect does not handle values with a decimal point very well, so unfortunately you may find that some of them are not 100% perfect. You can improve the situation by going from 4 LPB to 8 LPB (or 16, 32, etc), because every time you double the LPB, you also double the length of the delays needed, so as you go higher with the LPB, you don’t have to use as many 1 line delays with negative offsets, which seems to cause some problems.
Finally, if you’re looking for help figuring out the values for the note delay pattern command, if you plan to program triplets into the pattern itself, there’s a handy tool that a guy called Carl Corcoran made a while ago, which shows you exactly where to put your notes and which delay commands to use:
The option to enter musical notation would of course be great, but you gotta work with what you’ve got for now! Hope this information helps. 
Update: Here’s a ZIP containing some delay effect presets which you can add to Renoise:
Unzip the .xrdp files into: C:\Documents and Settings\Application Data\Renoise\V2.1.0\User Presets\Delay\
(Or wherever this directory is located on Mac, if you use a Mac)