[Already There] Right Mouse Click Anywhere On Pattern


I didnt follow that much, but just downloaded latest Renoise version ![:)](https://files.renoise.com/forum/emoticons/default/smile.gif) and didnt see it has

“remove empty tracks” option in RightClickMouseMenu?

I mean, Renoise to remove ALL patterns [through whole song] that has NO SINGLE NOTE typed in, whatever it HAS or NOT vst or internal channel effects attached.

What do you think? I think this will be very useful to clean up song - remove unused instruments, patterns and tracks…

Look in Renoise’s main menu.

Edit > Delete Unused Tracks

WHOOOO!!! I don’t use dropdown menu very often :)
THANK YOU!!! Anyway, would be also nice if this menutool will be also available from RightClick menu when click on Pattern :)