Alt-Tab Task Switcher in Fullscreen & How to get use the old Pattern Font again?

Hello, my dear friends.
have any of you encountered such a problem in Renoise 3.2 ?

Where do these windows came from ?

  • Why the font has changed in hex\pattern editor ? It was like Renoise font, now it is Arial

*Running the program on Win 8.1 core i5 2500hz 12gb RAM

Thank you

alt-tab has been reported already

You can change back to the older fonts by copying them over from 3.1.x.

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@James_Britt Could you post a shot with the old font? I also kind of miss a bit of thickness in the medium pattern font. Also on scaling 175% at 4k, the antialiasing of the fonts under macos seems to be much finer and thinner than on the windows version. In fact it is so thin, I barely can read it. My eyes are pretty good. Which is a pity, I would love to use 175% scaling, so much space then :slight_smile:


This one from the V 3.1

Thanks, but I meant with medium font :slight_smile:


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