This topic confuses me… how does posting a song about breast implants make one a softy? And what’s with the baby powder comment? Is there something I’m missing here?
Naah , It’s just that I really like the song…Which is veryy soft/mainstream to my taste…But hell I like it …
The lyrics have nothing to do with being soft or not…
Forget about it’s a usseles topic
who cares whats soft or not. listen to anything and everything.sound is one of the best and strangest ways the universe interacts.the inverse square law is a strange one two.
Most definately.
I just have to make sure I rinse me knickers out once a month coz’ talc goes stale.
I was thinking of getting B.Implants, now I’ve listened to that tune I don’t think I will. I think clowns are creepy,I don’t want one playing with me.
thanks for the warning GCD.