Amazing Idea! But Could It Be Possible?!

It would be amazing to be able to play say three different intruments at once on the keyboard with each instrument recording into a seperate channel. SERIOUSLY good!!!

For example, I usually create three instances of my bass with each in a seperate channel. This is to split the bass into low, mid and hi.

But I usually have to play the bassline into one channel and then copy it to the other twom changing the instrument numbers of course.

Noce if you could select a group of instruments and assign a channel for each to record in to, that would not only save time but you would be able to play a note and here how it will sound with the multiple instruments and split channels!

That would be such a great feature but is it possible to implement?

I hope you all know what I’m going on about?!! Ha Ha


Usually when i need things like that , i usin’ or Xlutop Chainer or Energy XT plugin (choose to your personal taste).

It’s really easy to made some wired and beautifull sounds this way

But i also agree with you. It would be really nice if it will be implemented in renoise internally ! Much more internal architecture and editing possibilites opens.

if this would be implemented there would be no need to me for asking for fx chains per instrument again. :)

This would be great for live performance.

I once proposed to have more Masterkeyboards.
They really did that! that was cool, but they still control the sample/vst that is selected.

I once made a drawing indicating that it would be nice to have your hardware controllers in the instrument screen popup menu.

so you can Assign any hardware controller to any sample/vst.

Good idea +1

Bloody hell!!! We really need to get some of the new ModPlug features into Renoise. They have now implemented my above idea and you can also record into the tracker from the default Wavein device!!! Plus loads more things like being able to sync two instances of the program!!

ATTENTION Renoise Devs, have a look at the ModPlug link above and PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE try to get some of their new features working in Renoise.

this feature would be incredible. i really would love to have diff envelopes and filters applied to diff drum intruments while recording live into renoise.

Please add this feature into the next version!!!

they also have the coloring option:

Colouring changed on pattern view so that different notes are shown with their corresponding colours;”

downloading now :)

“fftw3.dll not found”?

If authors don’t provide all software, at least a link to the required libraries would be very handy.

Edit:found one here:

Hmmz… i loaded a very complex IT file of mine and it crashed somewhere near sequence 5 :D :D :D :D.

Okay, it has been mentioned it is still beta, but i wouldn’t expect the proggy to crash on one of my old .IT mods :P

All they want is 3D nibbles.

I don’t know about everyone else, but I switched to Renoise from Modplug and would find it very useful to be able to export my files to standard MOD file formats such as IT XM SM3 MOD, etc. I wouldn’t think that that would be too difficult to implement since the importers already exist. For the sake of transporting files and compatibility, that would be a definite plus for me.

The road is open to convert to any of those formats if you desire, when the next edition is out.
And if you don’t have the skills, surely some programmer will code a converter in one way or another.
I would expect ripper-tools and converter tools to adopt at least the Renoise Instrument structure.