please excuse my english, it was written as a rant of frustration
USA, The land of opertunities, for big corperate companies that is.
it literaly makes me sick to see what this country has become. It represents all that is wrong
in modern society.
America is said to be the Land of opertunities, but in reality this only counts for large
companies, f.eks VISA.
The citizens of this country are treated worse than farm animals, seriously, some times I would
rather shoot myself in the head than keep on living, not becouse I dont value life, but becouse
I’m tired of getting woken up at 7am becouse some cock of a telemarketer realy thinks I’d
love another visa card, so that my information could be sold to another million companies without my permission, only so I can get overly screwed by such lovely things as overdraft protection, and have another 100.000 telemerketers call me for every possible piece of shit service I dont want.
When did we decide that it was completely allright to let this happen?
when did we decide that it was ok for people to sell information about us? When did we decide
that letting companies toy with our privacy was ok?
In my personal opinion I dont think ANY of this is ok, but seeing as I dont run this country,
and I’m not a big company paying millions upon millions of us currency to our beloved Country, what am I supposed to do?
I moved to this country 2 years ago, I’ve lived in norway for over 20 years. Since I got here
I’ve been considering how people can lett this go on… I remember sitting at home, seeing this
kind of thing in american tv shows and movies all the time, thinking it was excagerated, but
to my horror, it’s not. It’s every bit as bad as you see on tv, and our goverment lets it
continue freely.
Not to mention big shot record companies that get away with screwing over 1000’s of people
every single year in bullshit record-deals that serve the sole purpose of screwing that person
for the rest of his or her life. And when one person gets to suing them for this straight up crime,they are allowed to close the loophole so now, no matter how much they screw you over,you cant even file for bankrupcy, while all the time, our dear beloved goverment sits on the sideline helping these companies out, jesus christ, it’s time we stand up for our rights and do something. How much longer can we sitt around watching them take our rights away?