An Electronic Misnomer

Hello everyone. Here’s my first (of many) body of work using Renoise. It was a great learning experience and I hope to get some good feedback on the tracks! Thank you for listening…

Here they are in MP3 format.

An Electronic Misnomer

  1. xaleros
  2. staticling
  3. panick
  4. frenetic
  5. sedimentary
  6. clamps
  7. fallish
  8. dripdrop
  9. trainride

Or, download them all as one big zip file here.

If you want the renoise files, they are here.

thank you again for listening.

Listened trough your songs. I really like your unique style
and some original ideas. Though much of this music aint my preffered
style so i dont know to much about this genre.

It’s very striking and strange to listen at :)

Tohugh to me some track doesent seem to be “finished” as they have some weird mixing. But maybe thats the point, what do i know :)

Gonna need to listen some more deply to get the feeling right…

Been to your webpage also… need more time …

awesome! thanks for listening :)

I’m digging your style man. It kinda reminds me of telephone tel aviv. Either way, I like your music.

many thanks. i have a lot of tracks coming soon that i hope you guys will like.


Nice sound… I’m downloading the whole zip!