I like to generate samples for Renoise. A lot. I’m always looking for ways to create new waveforms.
I won’t use AKWF. Not now, not ever. I like to make my own sounds.
Online, there is a video game SFX generator call JFXR here: https://jfxr.frozenfractal.com/
Besides SFX, it can also create single-cycle waveforms. For the ‘Sustain’ section, change the time to: 0.0038095 - this will output a 168-samples length waveform. Tune the sample as you see fit. 261.63 is “C”.
It does FM and AM as well as the basic waveforms, along with harmonics.
AM is under the label “Tremolo Depth” and “Tremolo Frequency” - it goes up to 999.999 Hz
FM is under the label “Vibrato Depth” and “Vibrato Frequency” - it goes up to 999.999 Hz
Under the “Tone” section, you can add harmonics to the waveform for even more variation to your samples.
Finally, since this is a SFX generator, you can also come up with all sorts of bass-drums, and other odd percussion. Maybe snares? I don’t know, I haven’t tried every variation. Lots of neat sounds. The noise waveforms are nice and soft as well.