All one pattern in 2.5 so far, arranged with matrix, so buildup might not be all that so far. Pretty much a work in progress still, need to add some fx-ish reverby thingamaggots etc, and mix could use some looking into I think. But any thoughts so far anyone?
Edit2: Another new version. I’ve been trying to mix it, but it still sounds “mediocre”, and I can’t push the volume any before it peaks, so it’s a lot lower volume than other tracks I hear. I just can’t seem to get my head around how to mix properly.
Anyone hear anything obvious that they could tell me to fix?
I like the drum sounds you used/made , covered with aphex-sauce, not the typical dubstep kit as far as I can tell.
When the bass finally drops round the 2.20 mark, I was a little disappointed . Push it harder in the next version m8, some never heard before alien-type bass thingamaggots etc heh . Cut the track in half and work that arrangement!
very cool tune, but as jonas said before, the bass needs some more pressure i think.
looks like that this is allways the biggest problem, for me too btw
K, i’ve tweaked the bass a bit and replaced the old version on soundcloud. There’s no room whatsoever to bring more bass out though, it’s already peaking from time to time, and I’m kind of at the end of my mixing-knowledge.
I’d post the xrns in case someone feels like checking out my errors and teaching me how to fix it, but I can’t figure out how to post attachments here atm…?
And Jonas, I’m not sure if I’ll make the track shorter, I’m leaning towards just spriting it up and making everything more interesting and keeping it the length it is.
you can upload an .xrns to for free if you sign up for an account, and then you can post a download link here. I would be interested to see if I could squeeze some more juice out of this track as I haven’t attempted to mix anything like this before.
Yeah, I agree. I’ll try to make it more interesting… And I’ve changed my mind about keeping it the same length I think, it is too long. I’ll sit down with it tonight and see what I can work out.
Cool, I’ll upload it there for you to take a look at it. But I’ll give it a shot myself first, most likely tonight. Will get back to you on this.
Another new version. I’ve been trying to mix it, but it still sounds “mediocre”, and I can’t push the volume any before it peaks, so it’s a lot lower volume than other tracks I hear. I just can’t seem to get my head around how to mix properly.
Anyone hear anything obvious that they could tell me to fix?
Impressed again. I agree with the others about the length. That might be my biggest complaint, but that’s an easy solution. I like the synths that come in at 1:12. Very cool vibe. Perhaps delete a couple of blocks prior to shore it up.
The samples, standard or not sound excellent. Not the typical dub-step percussion. I like the harshness of it all. Almost an industrial feel to this, but still recognizably dubstep.
I really enjoyed the last song you created as well. Broken4 was killer.
I like the direction and your take on the genre. I don’t like a lot of what I am hearing from the major producers. I do however like what you are composing.
Lastly, keep up the good work. Looking forward to more of your tracks.
I think I’ve put this track on ice for now though, and jumped on to other tracks. Might go back to it later.
I’ve got a new version of Broken too actually, a girl I know wanted to put some vocals on it, so I’ve just gotta tweak the sound a bit then I’ll upload it