Renoise 3.5 will have these updates:
01- Samples can be stretched\reversed\edited inside the matrix\pattern viewer [vertically, for sure].
02- Vertical graphical automation control inside the matrix\pattern viewer [intigrated show-hide option]
03- Freeze track function will be finally available + ability to edit the freezed WAV file in sample editor
04- The 1st Renoise built-in synth : Rephase [3 osc + sub + fm + wavetable + analog\digital filter + spectral filter… etc]
05- Focus mode in Matrix [detailed editing of one cell + auto solo= this function will mute the rest of cells while editing the selected one]
06- Export selected multipatterns\cells to WAV [export pattern to sliced sample function]
07- The 1st Renoise built-in drummachine : Requake [kick - snare - clap - hat designers + sequence with pattern selector]
08- Receive midi from another instrument inside\outside Renoise[example : channel one 1-synth vst > plays and at the same time sends notes to another instrument].
09- Extract groove from rhythm function.
10- Pro and Pro complex warping protocols for samples.
11- Multi project editing [an ability to copy\past\move patterns or instruments and samples from one project to another in one session].
12- Save pattern settings as a template or quick recall variant [channel settings + fx + volume …etc].
13- Phrase <> pattern swap mode.
14- Autoseek playback for midi notes + instrumental channels
15- Quick recall templated patterns [for example : an 4/4 kick drum pattern can be recalled in one click with its samples and settings]
16- Individual pattern length function
17- Individual groove settings
Or i can just dream …@_@