Arbitrary Fader Scaling Values

I would like to see arbitrary fader scaling values implemented at some point. It would make for more easily controlled complex (multi-stage) modulation envelopes.

For example, Crafting the pitch envelope of a kick that has a click stage and a body stage, or making a bass instrument that also has a percussive click stage and a slower body stage. i.e:

It can be done now using the current fader scaling options, but would be more flexible with the addition of an arbitrary scaling value as in the AHDSR attack, decay, and release stages.

I realize that arbitrary curves can be created with the envelope device, but I would ideally want macro control for the curve shape as well

Maybe there is a way to do this with the ahdsr devices currently, but I can’t for the life of me figure out the correct order of operations to get the behavior that I want

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