Are Drones Multiversal Time-travelling Saurian UFOs From Within The Hollow Flat Earth?

I think most stuff we face online testified by people is either fakers for fame or money or influence or political agendas, or itā€™s people who just trip in a certain way that makes them believe (or want to believe) itā€™s a supernatural or extraterestial encounter. Iā€™m diagnosed myself, and saw my mind doing all the tricks, but from distance - Iā€™ve seen all the causes for various delusions and had to learn to counteract them with rational thought and self-reflection.

Itā€™s literally that your mind can make you think youā€™re being messed with by external intelligence, and at the same time there can be a puppet play, all kinds of visions and altered perceptions, false memories and flashbacks, itā€™s really weird. Like even if itā€™s really an external influence controlling these trips, theyā€™d still make it seem like itā€™s something completely different, like an illusion ride on a mental holodeck. Itā€™s not uncommon that affected persons seem to half lose their wits or revolve around their topics endlessly, as if stuck on a loop in their minds.

I donā€™t know, sometimes I believe itā€™s really like systematic, like something messing with all these people, experiments or chaotic influence to harm people who are resilient to cultural pressure - but on the other hand itā€™s been going on since humanity started out, just itā€™s more aggressive, visible and widespread due to internet communication. Thereā€™s cults and cult like groups, some visible some open, some small some big, around all kinds of related delusions, these UFO stories are just one trademark in that game among too many.

All this is getting weirder and weirder and political players are starting to take advantage of it, while psychotic people get food for their delusions catered 24/7 by social media. Really weird times. Wish people would resort to the more basic things again, like a man, a computer, hack some fucking bytes, letā€™s make art to make the world explode in colors. Something like that. The rest comes from what these bytes do to people. But we donā€™t need that faker shit, cā€™mon reality is already weird enough, who really needs UFO impostors hyped up all through the ceiling? I better not ask what some real aliens would do to these people once they started showing upā€¦

Oh I agree that our perceptions are not always reliable, or that the conclusions that we draw about our experience are always accurate. But itā€™s hard to pick up a hallucination with a helicopter, and unless thereā€™s grand collusion between many parties (certainly possible, though seems unlikely), there are a number of medium/high profile ex-military people corroborating his story. He also got radiation poisoning from somewhereā€¦

I obviously donā€™t know the truth of the situation, but thatā€™s kind of the point. None of us do. I find it interesting to entertain as a possibility. Thereā€™s been a lot of talk for a long time about such things being covered up. Not saying that that makes it true, but at a certain point one has to apply Occamā€™s razor

Indeed. I started to see religion (in best case) as a delusion that somewhat gives an inoculation to more malign delusions, and even psychosis. If we were to rate the harmfulness of various delusions, I think it might best be done in terms of how much they induce or caters to anxiety and paranoia.

I feel sorry for the Americans. As a Swede I donā€™t have to worry about getting my ass probed, it seems.

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My fav space videos

The Pleiades :heart_eyes:

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After studying UFOs for years I came to the conclusion that the topic will eventually lead me to race theory, being descendants of aliens, and thinking some people are better than others, and therefore having rights to rule over others. While there might be some truths to it, it made me a toxic person. Better to focus on spirit than on physicality.

Itā€™s definitely interesting though. No criticism of anyone who are interested in it, I was/am too.

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The ufo community is very toxic and very into conspiracy theories.Its about 2 years now that i am watching all these self-claimed ufologists-researchers-whisleblowers and most of them are plain crooks looking for easy money or are mostly paranoid people.Most of them just repeat the same old stories and adding their own little fake twists to them.

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I had an awesome UFO close encounter dream last night. Quite vivid and exciting :sparkles::flying_saucer::sparkles:


What was it ? I am asking you know so I can write a book about it claiming it was real and be a millionaire!

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Lol just use chat gpt :grin: Youā€™ll be rich in no time!

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Chat gpt is unreliable,it tells the truth most of the time.I need something that can come up with lies instantly,telling the truth does not pay up :smiley:

ā€œMachinic desire can seem a little inhuman, as it rips up political cultures, deletes traditions, dissolves subjectivities, and hacks through security apparatuses, tracking a soulless tropism to zero control. This is because what appears to humanity as the history of capitalism is an invasion from the future by an artificial intelligent space that must assemble itself entirely from its enemyā€™s resources.ā€
ā€• Nick Land, Fanged Noumena: Collected Writings, 1987ā€“2007

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Isnā€™t Nick Land, like, a bad dude? Thought black and white people would be separated and cultivated as two different breeds of people in the future, forever? As a mixed person that rubs me the wrong way lmao

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I think he is beyond the conventional I think, one with the lemurs

By the way, UFO research is officially part of the company that Iā€™m running. :grin:

So if you want to know whoā€™s an alien and whoā€™s not, feel free to ask. :wink:


that would be something incredible

So much of the above seems manmade. I still have questions about what I saw in the mid 90s in the middle of nowhere Colorado though. watching one move like a satellite and it kept returning and doing various shifting patterns. At one point it instantly moved so fast it looked like a shooting star that disappeared into the atmosphere the moment it crossed paths with a low flying airplane. What was that, id like to know.

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Ross Coulthart is really cashing in his popularity.He is a joke - a bad one.

Thatā€™s just, like, your opinion, manā€¦

You thinks itā€™s ALL a cash grab hoax? Thousands of individualā€™s experiences over hundreds of years? Everyoneā€™s delusional and you know for sure? Seems like hubris to me, but, weā€™re all entitled to our opinions :slight_smile:

Iā€™m not saying these types of experiences are what they are alleged to be on the surface, but to me, at least, itā€™s an interesting story and worth following. Big if true, as the kids say

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