Are Drones Multiversal Time-travelling Saurian UFOs From Within The Hollow Flat Earth?

Arent you tired with these guys just doing claims and cant provide any real proof all these yaers ? Cant you see that they are in to this for fame and money ? The fact that they have lied numerous times does not annoy you at all ?

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Please elaborate :slight_smile:
Falsehoods are certainly discrediting, and Iā€™m not aware of them. Enlighten me

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Here you go

New ufo spotted!!


Man that was painful to watch, lol. Could have been 30 seconds long in presentation if he cut out all his hyperbole and conjecture and fumbling for millennial witā€¦

So, yeah, Iā€™m sure there are questionable characters in UFO-land, and I wouldnā€™t vouch for Dan Sheehanā€™s credibility, (or Steven Greer, or Lue Elizondo for that matterā€¦ All those guys seems sus to me.) but itā€™s a typical sort of quid pro quo to promote a guestā€™s book or website or whatever. Itā€™s not a great look for Ross, admittedly. But for me, it doesnā€™t invalidate his integrity altogether. Grusch, Fravor, Graves, Barber, and Nolan all seem credible outwardly. Admittedly I havenā€™t done a true deep dive on any of these guys, but if thereā€™s dirt I imagine it will surface as people seek to discredit their stories. As it stands, itā€™s an interesting narrative (UAP crash retrieval/cover-up/disclosure) and even (or especially) if itā€™s misdirection or a large scale psyop, it still seems worth paying attention to, to meā€¦ Again, as a story, it really is big if true. The ā€œifā€ being the crucial piece. Iā€™m not a ā€œbeliever,ā€ just interested.

You do you, though :metal::alien::flying_saucer:

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Declassification taskforce created around JFK/RFK/MLK assassinations and UAP/UFO/USO phenomena

Oh, and Epstein, 9/11, and COVID origins

Interesting times


that cgi looks so 2011 xD

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Just found out that aliens already are publishing videos on youtube:

Would be interesting to know why there is internet access at area 51. We soon will know! :tangerine::fist:


OMG aliens are hacking our infrastructure already:


Just hack hack hack! Hack Harder!


By LokSat???

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Its just a mod Ā» Alien Invasion

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I know, Iā€™m shitposting :nerd_face:

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