Assembling A Pattern From Multiple Patterns - Possible?

Hi! Much of modern electronic music is quite repetitive, so I was wondering if Renoise offered any way to assemble a pattern from subpatterns? What I mean is, if you have 4 patterns using the same kinda drums in the background, but want to be able to have slightly different bass for each pattern for example? Or is this something where I should use “render pattern to wav” for drums?

I understand if such a feature does not exist, because I can imagine it could get a little messy - unless there was a way to designate a pattern to a certain part (drums/bass/arp etc.) or name it intuitively, like “bass.introslaps” and “drums.fill04” and use those together for example… But I still think it would be a neat feature if executed correctly, and would kinda make sense. And because Renoise is much more powerful than I know after all, I just thought to ask if something like this existed there somewhere :)

Thanks and have a good day y’all,

Hello! Yes, pattern cloning is what I’ve been doing since the ST3 days myself… Just wondered if another/better way might have been invented during these 10+ years :D Thanks for that Make Selection Unique tip though, I have sooo^2 much to learn about Renoise.