Atlantis' New Mastering Topic

A few might remember me from days gone by. Well, after a long period of absence I’m back and willing to master tracks! Note this is not a commercial endeavour; I’m just wanting to fill my free time mastering and helping people achieve a full and polished sound.

Also please don’t be hating on this topic with you need such and such to master and have the perfect listening environment and so on - while all that is probably true I do have the basic equipment and tools needed and have been at it for many years now so you can expect a high standard of quality. I’m good at what I do and I challenge you to hear for yourself.

Any questions you may have, please direct them here or contact me directly.

Please follow these simple steps:

Limiting for maximum loudness.

Your master will be processed at 96,000 Hz, floating point, and will be resampled and dithered to 44,100 Hz, 16 bit.


Please contact me if you’d like references. You can expect the utmost privacy at all times, and I will password-protect your master before uploading it.