The whole copyright system on YT & elsewhere is just a trick to CONTROL content as it is NOT in the least, implemented correctly…
An ORIGINATOR does not hold copyright, it must be applied for & takes time…
If there is a claim against you by another you have the RIGHT to ask them for PROOF of being copyright holder, Failure on their part to do this is ILLEGAL! It must be the actual copyright or proof it has been sent in…
So know that if you are living in one of the many ‘fake’ countries like USA, which is a corporation then there is NO copyright violation unless you make MONEY off the copyrighted material, you can possess & use & display a million copies as long as you don’t make a penny…
The trump card to this is that people don’t know it, and since EVERYTHING in a corporation like USA IS a contract if you allow yourself to be badgered into BELIEVING you have done wrong & ALLOW yourself to be cornered in court & ACCEPT the penalties then you have simply submitted to contract…
-You are NEVER your name, which on all official docs will be in capital letters, this indicates an account, not a person…This is why it’s called a birth ‘CERTIFICATE’, which is a document that signifies OWNERSHIP…There is no actual authentic registry of birth, just creation of an account…You ALWAYS introduce yourself as ‘ADMINISTRATOR’ to your name…Collection agencies record you saying that YOU are the NAME so they ‘got you’…If you state that there is NOBODY by your birthname but that you are administrator for that account your debt is clear, even if a million dollars…
-Know that EVERY criminal case has a dollar amount on final court papers as it is ALL civil court as it is all corporate business…
– Avoid verbal contracts like ‘DO YOU UNDERSTAND?’ from a judge or cop as it does NOT mean to comprehend, it means ‘DO YOU STAND UNDER THE FOUNDATION OF MY AUTHORITY TO TEST IT?’ Always NO!!! Even the whole miranda rights is just to get you to say ‘YES’ to understanding…GET IT!!!
-Avoid answering questions of ‘WHERE YOU LIVE’ or ‘WHAT’S YOUR ADDRESS’ and similar as this is YOU saying that the address is the ONLY PLACE YOU ARE ALIVE…So that means you are saying you are a CORPSE anywhere else & the government has authority over CORPSES which means you are a CORPoration…GET IT?
-Same situation in a courtroom as there will always be a floodgate you must pass & you must NEVER PASS IT! If you do you will be thought of as ‘drowned’ and will have to have an attorney or someone to ‘SPEAK IN TURN’ as you are DEAD!..You NEVER cross or even touch the floodgate, you stay back in the bleachers & pews & talk from there! You THEN have a right to speak…OH, the judge will prod, threaten, coerce in any way to get you to pass the floodgate but you must never & you cannot be forced into it…It must be under your own steam…
-Only those who have PASSED THE BAR can converse past the floodgate…The BAR stands for British Authorized Registry, YES, every court in USA that has flag with gold fringe & faubs is under British Maritime Admiralty Law…Because USA NEVER was freed, July 4th ongoing joke…
Sorry for length but perhaps this ‘secret’ info will help someone and REMEMBER to PRACTICE saying you are ADMINISTRATOR when people ask if you are say Tak Tik, NEVER say YES!!!