Audio CPU level too high when starting Renoise 3.2.1

R3.2.1, W10.
Apparently, I had a strange problem with the CPU audio level (top right). On my main machine I use an Intel i7 6700K with 4 cores and 8 threads, and 32GB of DDR4 RAM.

When you start Renoise, an empty song, without any instrument, without playing the song, doing nothing, the audio CPU level ranged from 3 to 11%, changing very quickly. I found something out of the ordinary.

To check if this was common in R3.2.1 and W10, I did the same test on a laptop with an Intel i3, and it ranged between 0.4 and 1.3%.

To solve the apparent problem, I made sure to uninstall R3.2.1 and reinstalled it inside my main machine. The problem disappeared, and now the audio CPU level seems to work correctly.

Has someone else had a similar situation? I don’t think it has to do with any VST / VSTi, or the Sample Rate, or Latency or anything like that. But something was failing here, it didn’t work properly.

I remember that a few weeks ago I didn’t have this problem. Suddenly, it happened. And I don’t know how to explain it.

Did you check your power profile? If the cpu was clocked down, the usage meter might be raised.

Well, it seems that this is the cause. I have been manipulating some energy plans.

I think the only thing I updated is the Nvidia drivers for the graphics card. Probably, the energy plan changed from high performance to balanced, and this influences the level. I remember that before I had it in high performance. Actually, I didn’t think that this would influence the audio CPU level so much, since it’s around 11% (an extremely high level, when Renoise is supposed to be “doing nothing”). Now it is always below 2%, as usual. Curious.

Thank you for mentioning it!

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