Like I already posted, is there any hidden sense to switch the instrument also in the instrument editor, if editing another instrument??? Is this for purpose?
There is only one “selected instrument”, so when auto-capture is enabled, the instrument changes along with the track focus.
I recall a suggestion about detached instr.editors being excluded from this, behaving more like plugin GUIs
Think it was suggested during the 3.0 beta - can’t find the topic, though…
Yes I suggested this, too. This was my question… Can you guys please disable auto-capture instr. while the instrument editor is opened?
Can you guys please disable auto-capture instr. while the instrument editor is opened?
Not so fast. Wouldn’t you at least want others that use auto-capture to have their say?
other users don’t even know why suddenly the editor changes
Tend to agree with Jurek here. When actively switching a track or pattern and this changes the instrument while you are in the instrument editor - OK. But when for example a new pattern is reached while simply playing back a song you’re in the instrument editor, and it then suddenly switches to some other instrument - that’s definitely strange.
Got a few options here:
Only auto-capture when you see the pattern editor (switching back to the pattern editor should auto-capture then too though)
Only auto-capture when you’ve clicked somewhere - actively change the track or pattern, but never automatically on playback
Leave things as they are now
seems to be most consistent with other behavior in Renoise. 2. maybe not obvious enough to work.
Well, I vote for 1
When would selection change just from playback?
Number 1 sounds ok to me but I’m not sure I understand the use case here or what the problem is.
Don’t get it also. There is a shortcut to enable/disable auto-capture. So just use that and you always know if it’s on or off… Why add another layer on top of this?
So we might end in a way that some settings are on or off depending on what window you look at? Now that might get fun then…
ha, what did I say?
most users won’t even understand the problem.
a description:
enable auto follow instr. by clicking symbol led bottom in instrument list
go to pattern editor, play song
now edit another instrument than the one that in currently used in the focused track, but leave song playing
after some time, when next pattern occurs, the instrument will change, although you are in the editor now and maybe wanna edit the current instrument
taktik and me now suggest to to disable auto capture ONLY WHILE STAYING IN INSTRUMENT editor. If you go back to pattern editor (or mixer or whatever) it would then immediately again change to the current captured instrument. So no need to disable auto capture temporarily, only because you want to edit a instrument while playing.
most users won’t even understand the problem.
Going round in circles now. That’s exactly why we disabled/reset auto-capture settingsfor 3.1, which IMHO still is the better solution to the “WTF is happening” problem.
@Jurek: Still no idea what you’re talking about.
Didn’t even noticed there could be a problem with auto-capture and I have it turned on all day long since ages…
Never bothered me none. Maybe someone else could chime in if he has some problem with this?
Can’t imagine though…
Also interesting, this “WTF is happening” problem. Never noticed that either…
Maybe you never edit instruments while playing back the song, but edit everything “offline” only.
Jurek’s description of when auto-capture can be confusing nails it down pretty well:
enable auto follow instr. by clicking symbol led bottom in instrument list
go to pattern editor, play song
now edit another instrument than the one that in currently used in the focused track, but leave song playing
after some time, when next pattern occurs, the instrument will change, although you are in the editor now and maybe wanna edit the current instrument
Maybe if people don’t care, they won’t be affected if this would be added.
I`am happy how this works and I vote for option 3. - dont change it
(I also use this to change instruments based on track switching via tracks scopes pane)
and maybe find a nice visual way to better indicate thats this is enabled (in instrument editor)
and maybe add/allow on/off shortcut that will work when instrument editor is focused
(personally i`m working on one monitor setup and i just use “Toggle Follow Pattern” to stop capturing while playing song)
p.s. remember that there is also operator that will “capture instrument” one time
ha, what did I say?
most users won’t even understand the problem.
There’s no need to be patronizing just because we don’t follow your vague descriptions.
a description:
enable auto follow instr. by clicking symbol led bottom in instrument list
go to pattern editor, play song
now edit another instrument than the one that in currently used in the focused track, but leave song playing
after some time, when next pattern occurs, the instrument will change, although you are in the editor now and maybe wanna edit the current instrument
That wasn’t so difficult now was it?
I always understood auto capture to be dependent on where you clicked, which is why I was slightly baffled by the references made at the start of the thread. I don’t see much sense in the selection/capture remaining if you click on a different instrument, it should only change upon clicking on a track. Honestly, I thought this was the way it always worked.
Seems like such a marginal case that I would change my vote to leave it as it is and for people who don’t need it can turn it off. I’m just an average user though, what do I know?
?? still don’t get what you mean. I mean, it should stay like it is, only disabled automatically temporarily, as long as you are in instrument editor. EDIT: And then automatically enabled again, if you leave instrument editor.
So would this anyhow negatively affect your usual workflow?
And sorry, if you find my description too vague… I simply don’t know then how to describe it better.
Maybe you never edit instruments while playing back the song, but edit everything “offline” only.
Jurek’s description of when auto-capture can be confusing nails it down pretty well:
I always edit while playback is running, wouldn’t make any sense otherwise, wouldn’t it…?
?? still don’t get what you mean. I mean, it should stay like it is, only disabled automatically temporarily, as long as you are in instrument editor. EDIT: And then automatically enabled again, if you leave instrument editor.
So would this anyhow negatively affect your usual workflow?
Yeah, I think that would the best way, disabled if you enter the instrument editor and re-enabled again when you leave it, I can definitely see how it would be annoying for it to change.
It’s hard for me to say though, I’ve never come across this problem, I tend to loop patterns and/or work on focused instruments, perhaps originally because of this issue in the first place. So, no, it wouldn’t negatively affect my workflow at all, it would certainly be a better approach than what is currently in place to fix it (disabled and state reset on restart).
Is this what has been implemented in b4? I just tried it in that and in 3.0.1 and I can definitely see the problem, whatever is implemented right now seems to be ok with the exception of the button state.
This following while the instrument editor opened totally sucks!