Automation Edit Step


I was thinking ! And I remembered how I was editing automation in reason back in the days, basically the idea is simple… let’s have an automation edit step value - it could even be combined with the current editstep thing if mechanics allow it…

what would it do ?

let’s say you set edit step for 16 rows… then the resolution of automation is divided into points …
you can only make a point on 1st , 16th, 32nd, 48, 64… etc etc row …

there could be a setting for this way of editing, ist would be “step” when the automation would hold the value until next point , other setting would be “interpolation” when it would either draw a line or curve to next point

best would be on/off setting to have automation as it is now for detailed editing and “step” mode for editing of blocks

hope the idea is clear i suck with visualisation, but if necessary i’ll make it !


actually I think that as it is now, by default it is set to “snap to 1 row” what i’d like to have is to have snap to “x” rows where x could be editstep itself

EDIT ##2 - adding some other automation ideas, don’t want to start another threads for it

  1. option “write automation to pattern” — > it would transform the data from automation into numeric values in the pattern

  2. automation glide… let’s say you have filter cut off set to 200hz - which would be 1x10 [i don’t know the exact pattern command now sorry] and you would want it to glide from this point to 1khz which would be 1x40 … you could use a pattern command that would tell the automation to glide from 10 to 40 in y rows

something like

C-5 5xx

– gliding from c-4 to c-5 but it would be automation gliding in this case

  1. have a min/max setting for a parameter in dsp, sometimes you don’t need to have the full scale but you do the most automation within let’s say 10 and 40… if you could decide what would be used as minimal and maximal setting and then edit automation in full scale it would rock!

another idea :

another another idea : (Johann)

the line in the automation window that scrolls along with the pattern-cursor also triggers the highlight line in the pattern editor when you move an automation node so that both automation and pattern movements are crosslinked.

yeah i would surely use that a lot, you mean step edit automation right ? so one could record stuff into automation lanes without being in record/run mode ?

not exactly, i believe you can do it already but as it is now it’s not very precise, let’s say i want to split pattern with length of 40 in hex, into 4 exact parts, i set the step thing to 10 [hex] and automation only allows me to use 4 points in the pattern on 0 10 20 30
not in between

this may look redundant but if you have long patterns, like 100 hex adding points can start lacking precision, with this change it would be much nicer

Actually, you can put automation points on every line already,
whether you use 20, 40 or 100 pattern length.

Thank god :)

… or did I misunderstand you?

yes you can do it, but it was only a simplified example, resuva had better name for it, “quantitisation for automation” … it would only allow you to add the automation point on every 8th [if the auto edit step is 8] 16 [if 16] etc …

Aaah I see then! Cool, could be useful indeed.

It would also be cool if you could see where you’re at (for automation, custom LFO, instrument envelopes), if you will, the x/y coordinates if the where the mouse cursor is. “if you click here, you’ll create a point at X with a value of Y%”

good idea! - if you don’t mind i’ll add it to the first post

Just to expand a little bit on your idea. I think it’s relevant.An ability to write automation data at current position with midi controller button instead of right mouse button click on the parameter slider would be great.

another minor thing that would rock: highlight the line where the currently selected automation point is (maybe just while you are moving it).

You mean to say that you desire the line in the automation window that scrolls along with the pattern-cursor also trigger the highlight line in the pattern editor when you move an automation node so that both automation and pattern movements are crosslinked.