

my question is simply

how to create an automation of a pattern without affecting other

how used the automation

I am looking for tutorial

thank you

All automations are per track and pattern. Logically and structurally, you automate one “patterntrack” at a time. The automation envelope is easily accessible via the small square box next to the DSPs parameter. You can also record automation with your mouse by using the right mouse button when adjusting the value of a parameter (make sure to decide beforehand if you want that automation written as pattern data or into the automation envelope).

Check out

What joule said :slight_smile:

Here, I would like to add that Renoise will automatically update the value of automated parameters as you scroll through the song…
If you don’t want this behaviour, you can turn it off in Preferences > Plugs/Misc > Update automation on song position changes

ok i understand,
but how to use an effect in automation not use without applying it directly on the pattern but use it for automation

thank you

olivier, I would try to answer if I understood what you were asking.

I suppose you are talking about automation line vs automation commands. So it is that third small icon from left under the pattern editor ;). But everything what you need is written in manual

I suspect Akiz has given you the answer, but i’m not too sure about that either, just to rephrase what i suspect you desire:
You want your automation recorded in the “envelope” frame rather than in the “effect column” right?
Akize refers to the first paragraph here:…ical_Automation
If this is not the case: Try Automatisation des Paramètres | Renoise France (“Dessiner automatiquement les courbes en cours de lecture.”)

hello, my question is
when a parameter is not left in the box automation
how can I add one without affecting directly a pattern.

thank you

Sorry I don’t understand.

Maybe Renoise France’s community maintained manual is better suited for you?



i found how “Update automation on song position changes”
i understand thank you joule and danoise

Désolé olivier, il fallait lire jusqu’en bas ici. Sinon, pour trouver le maximum d’info ciblées sur un sujet en particulier tu utilises le moteur de recherche de, en haut à droite, exemple en tapant le mot “automation” dedans ça donne tous les sujets qui en parlent dont le manuel. Bon courage.