I put a partly bounced cubase project in renoise to work it out some more. So I have maybe 16 audio tracks of about 4 min. Now i decided to repeat the last chorus one more time. How can i let renoise continue the arrangement, but jump back al the bounced samples exactly 2 patterns?
Thanks, Tommy
If i put the same pattern number in the arrange part on the left, the samples just keep playing and don’t jump back. Autoseek is on.
Dunno if this is possible, but you could try and figger out the offset position, spot in each long file where the chorus starts exactly. Look in the sample editor, bottom row bar (set it to ‘0S effect’, right mouse click menu select, if not selected already) and zoom in on where the chorus starts to read the value…then insert all sample instruments note-events again at the spot where you want the chorus repeated + add the SXX offset values for each sound.
Just checking a long ass audio file here myself, I see the resolution will probably suck for the above to work properly…better, manually cut the long sample at the chorus part and retrigger it inserting the cut samples.
errrrr, you could add a slice marker in the sample editor where the chorus starts in each sound, then trigger the right notes (probably c#3) in the wanted patterns.
I’m not sure what you mean exactly… The last part of the project goes something like this:
48 Verse 3
49 Verse 3
50 Chorus 4
51 Chorus 4
52 Chorus 4
53 Chorus 4
54 Outro
55 Outro
56 End
Now I can’t do this:
48 Verse 3
49 Verse 3
50 Chorus 4
51 Chorus 4
52 Chorus 4
53 Chorus 4 52 Chorus 4 extra (The autoseek samples play the outro while the rest repeats from pattern 52) 53 Chorus 4 extra
54 Outro
55 Outro
56 End
This would not do what i want even if it would work. The new chorus part is actually an instrumental part with the bounced samples repeating the chorus. So the patterns are not completely the same… (guess this is what you mean by giving them unique numbers?)
If i have to use the slicer it will be pretty hard to get it the exactly sample accurate. Same goes for cutting and pasting the chorus to a new instrument. And offcourse the sample offset effect is not very accurate with these long samples. Or maybe there is a way to offset it to the exact beginning of a pattern? Haven’t really used this feature very much yet. In essence, all that needs to be done is let the long samples jump back two patterns…
This reminds me of something else. Is it possible to add slices at beats or 1/8th or bars (or patterns) instead of analysing the sample for transients. It would be nice for my current problem, but also for normal used with beats and other loops. especially with melodies i recorded myself wich are played with the timing and swing of the song.
It would be cool to make selections in the sample editor based on beats/bars/patterns
Is this already possible?
This way i could just copy and past the new part to a new instrument. This was also something i needed earlier with everyday use with smaller samples/loops…
Put in a Slice marker for where you want the repeat. You can Snap To Beats to maybe help you find the position easier. I know the Ruler in this mode has been improved somewhat in 2.8 but I’m not near Renoise to see how well it represent when viewing multiple pattern length samples.
Once you’ve got this, assuming the default C4 for first full sample, you will trigger C4 in the first track and then C4# at where you want it repeated.
Djeroek did give you this solution in the first reply but it’s the only way you are likely to get it accurate.
btw you don’t need to auto-slice the complete sound, you can also insert slice markers at will through first clicking the ‘slice’ button (next to draw button in the sample editor), moving the mouse pointer over the sample to insert them with mouse clicks.
If you right click the top border of the sample editor and select samples, you could zoom in on the chorus in your sounds (using the mouse scroll wheel) and find out at which value to exactly place a marker. It is probably explained better in the manual, iow rtfm .
is 52 the pattern number or the sequence position? I was actually asking for that fact because your image above is still inconclusive. If i complete it, it can also look like:
48 30 Verse 3
49 30 Verse 3
50 34 Chorus 4
51 34 Chorus 4
52 34 Chorus 4
53 34 Chorus 4 5235 Chorus 4 extra (The autoseek samples play the outro while the rest repeats from pattern 52) 5335 Chorus 4 extra
54 36 Outro
55 36 Outro
56 37 End
I’m not sure, but the way you described them can also mean patterns could be repeated this way. (If you turned off the automatic keep sequence sorted) in case Chorus 4 extra is in both spots the exact same pattern, that won’t really work.
You can cut slices of any size by simply choosing the slice button (not use the auto transient slicer!) and turn off the snap toggle on the upper right, that indeed won’t make it able to do sample precise cutting.(Or change the ruler format but you already got those tips.)