Was watching news at the moment. They said Avicii died today.
Hmm, that’s sad, he was 28…
Don’t care about that kind of music , but hell 28 is too young to die .
Just checked wikipedia , he gave a fair amount of money to welfaire .
Not trying to throw in some weird conspiracy theories (even u guys luv’em soooo much:) &
me never heard of this dude before; but being prominent in the news for the last weeks,
he maybe had indeed crossed some borders in this #trafficking video, as some now claim.
It is from 2015 though, so maybe just a normal music - video mixed with a bit of #fantasy.
Fame killed him, he was not fit for a life in the spotlight and he couldn’t handle it anymore. It could have been avoided if he had good people around him, but unfortunately they were more interested in making money than in his health. It’s just a sad story, no need for conspiracies.
It could have been avoided if he had good people around him
But unfortunately they were more interested in making money than in his health
Neither you nor anyone else knows why he pulled the plug .
I am pretty sure he leaves some people behind that loved him and would have helped him if they saw it coming .
I am not sure if this guy, “killed himself,” via consciously taking his own life in a moment of time, or, “killed himself,” slowly, and unwittingly cause he just couldn’t put down alcohol.
I think the media - such as Rolling Stone Magazine, are taking ambiguous voicing of family members, and turning them into a story and the story is simply, “suicide.” I’m more apt to believe that his body just gave out because he continued to consume alcohol even after having his gallbladder removed and he died the classical death of having, “killed himself with drink.”
He was never my type of music - I like really raw, dirty, underground, unpopular stuff.
Still, so sad at 28 years of age. All for alcohol.
Neither you nor anyone else knows why he pulled the plug .
I am pretty sure he leaves some people behind that loved him and would have helped him if they saw it coming .
You’re of course right that not all the people around him are scumbags, i did not mean to say this about his real friends and family. I did read a statement from some family members that some people around him, which made good money off of his success, were more concerned about getting him to tour than taking care of his health. I don’t really know, i just got a bad feeling about it.
We can blame the music business. The capitalism of sending this guy out on tour even when he was, “drinking himself to death.”
but honestly, I’ve seen a lot of my friends die like this, and they weren’t superstars.
I mean, yeah I’ve been out to raves. Yeah I’ve dabbled in clubs. Here on earth, “i’ve tried the mdma,” mtfbwy… Ok, last night I drank two ice cold beers.
If you have ever lived the dance music life, than I am sure you have met at least one, or two friends who you saw that used drugs and alcohol like Aviccii. I don’t think it was, “the music business.” I’ve known hopeless druggies, and unfortunately they just, “kill themselves.” It is so sad to watch. I never could live like that.
Edit =
Btw, I have not dabbled in/sampled the mdma in like10 years!!!
wish I could say the same for lsd. the night mcgregor vs mayweather I did something very stupid. omfg, i was being so stupid.