Bad Ideas Thread

make it a vsti/au too and this is an even better idea.

Renoise should have an all you can eat buffet.

Renoise should have video proof.

A Office Paperclip in Renoise that bugs you exactly when you don’t want it :D

Advertisements popups in Renoise, and a “Save part of song into MBR(Master boot record)” :panic:

This may have been mentioned in another thread, but how about a live-rendered 3D dancing baby that moves to the beat? He could hang out over the Pattern Editor…





If I had said she, that would also make you go “hmmm.” If I had said “they” that would have been grammatically incorrect. If I had said “it” that would have implied that babies are things. So I did what many English speakers do, and assumed a male gender when referring to a hypothetical person, who was in this case virtual.

So what was your point again?

Renoise needs a pedophile detector.

Renoise needs an online radio streaming tool, only streaming tracks made in Cubase :walkman:

Relax, I was just joking since dancing baby is a woman most of the time. I wasn’t expecting anybody to take my post seriously in this kind of thread… ;)

An automatic repetitive forum posting function tied to BPM that populates this thread with useless ideas.

Wanna see hilariously bad ideas? Check out some of the requests from users on the Ableton forum.

naw, it needs a note frequency to bpm divider downer so your bpm based genre selection for composing your next mad hit is in tune with your key signature choice. (sounds like some renoiser shit…)

Yes, but they are serious, and we are not :P

Hah good point. I’d like a Renoise inside my Renoise, so I can Renoise while I Renoise.

lately - spending more time on the renoise forums than using renoise =P

if theres not enough development- man- power, dont waste to much time on live- perfomance- features.
straight on tracking. keyboard is the fastest. new concepts of controlling everything with the keyboard.
think about automation- snapshots, routing enhancements, matrix alternatives and so on.

and exchange ideas with the community can help. things that will take much time, could be discussed as to its importance. (wrong english?!)

Remove 50% of the features, insert advertising into the paid version, force tool authors to sign up to a paid “Renoise Developer Program Subscription”, have Renoise phone home and leak buckets of personal information gleaned from the OS, make the interface Metro-style and relegate desktop users to 2nd-class-citizen status, make it all “wiretap-friendly” so the RIAA can pounce you immediately for using commercial samples

EDIT: Add a remote kill switch

Before being able to play a song, you have to listen to an ad.

An option that makes the interface switch themes so quickly as to become seizure-inducing.

Add always-online DRM that is prone to locking out legitimate users.

Remove all support for Mac and Linux.

Make a DS port.

Have the BPM occasionally be randomly set to 999.