Bad Ideas Thread


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Hahahah. I would explicitly buy every point release again and again for this feature. Pleeeease… devs?

rotating voxel interface

Non-stop randomly generated background muzak.

There is already an xrns of some posted on the board somewhere…

I got one:
Maybe i should try to sell it to an elevator company? :P

torrent client

Beat the top web browsers in all Javascript benchmarks and pass Acid3 test.



I’m not talking .xrns.
I’m talking hardcore build-in muzak that can never be stopped!

Self-Destruct Button.

Sorry, Kurtz, this is the BAD ideas thread.

hahaha awesome!

That could actually be a nice idea for a game to combine a tetris like game with making music, if the blocks make different sounds and loops and stuff and every combination works with each other so you create new pieces of music every time you play.

You guys should check out ‘chime’. Very relaxing music game ^_^

script it!

You don’t see me scripting much anytime soon, i haven’t got a clue how to script more than dragging a pickwhip and multiply by 4. That probably doesn’t make any sense at all and that explains how much i know about scripting. :unsure:

I once scripted a script that said “Hello world!”… that gives me an idea: a terminal which only command is “echo ‘Hello world!’;”. Other phrases than ‘Hello world!’ should not compute except for the occasional ironic response.

In the DSP effects list there should be a new item named: Renoise.

When you double click, it puts a Renoise in your Track DSPs chain.

Then with the Ext. Editor button I open that Renoise and add another Renoise.

And so on.

Inspired by the complaint generator, I want a Lua script that generates random ideas for Lua scripts.