Bad Ideas Thread

Enforce an ID3v1 genre to be selected to save a song. No custom genres allowed.

ha ha cant believe i missed this one!!
+1 :lol:


If Renoise is installed but haven’t been used within the last 24hrs, all theme-colors are permantenly randomized.

Replace all samples with “Kick” in the name with 5-second-tail gabber kicks.

Renoise OS

use renoise to mine for bitcoins when idle

does renoise have an algorythmic credit card number generator yet?

Make the demo version nagware. Add a voice stating “This is renoise demo version” at regular intervals when playing/rendering.

I’d suggest playing “What is love, baby don’t hurt me” instead of actual song.

Additionally, cut all the updates and release them as 2 dollar DLCs now.

piano roll

renoise on mac ! :)

built in band in a box

Not putting a donk on it.

hahahahahaha that would suck so much, really good bad idea.

another one: make it sound like Ableton.

Tampon ads every time you push space.

A new “clown” meta-device capturing in realtime x-y positions of any red circle located inside a webcam capture window.

a setting which, at a random time in a random song, changes all of your samples to ‘As The World Turns’ soundbites.

Make the default interface and startup screen in Renoise full of chicks and cannabis leafs.

i’m sorry, maybe you did not understand. this is the BAD ideas thread.