Bad Purchases

Here’s mine:

Cakewalk Project 5 - more crash’s than a blind, drunk ,granny driving on the motorway
Steinberg groove agent - your ‘virtual drummer’, except he’s taken a heroin overdose and stuck the drum sticks up his ****!
Reason - hyped? £250 for some nice synths? endless mouse clicking.

I am a complete loser, but I know people who have done worse!

my condolences, still, you did OK with the rest of your kit!

I forgot that I bought Cubase VST (whatever the release was called, came out in 03 (5.2?)) permanant blue screen of death piece of shit. I took it back and actually managed to get a refund.

bough a pair of Logitech V20 notebook “monitors” today, as I needed some good speakers running on USB that can fit in my laptop bag… they came in a very convenient speaker-bag as well, so everything seemed perfect - especially when I read upfront that these were GOOD sounding speakers.

they had the worst bass frequency response I have ever heard, they actually ADD decay on all my kickdrums, so short kicks now sound boomy and hollow. useless.

returning these first thing in the morning… will invest in something better. Don’t know why I could believe Logitech could make good audio equipment in the first place… :ph34r:

Alesis MMT-8
I hoped to use it as cheap live-sequencer but its usability was really a pain.

Well it does not have so much to do with music but my worst buy ever was a used Ford Fiesta ;)

Wow, I loved my MMT-8. Used to pair it with an HR-16 for drum programming… Used to be stiff competition to Logic 5 - often used to prefer the directness of the MMT, (super-tight MIDI timing too, and forces you to use your ears.)

Maybe you just need a little more time getting good with it? Bit of a learning curve - have to start thinking in 24s, 48s, 72s, etc… Carl Craig did most of his best work on one of them.

(if you can get a Yamaha QY700 for a good price though, jump on it… For me, hands down the best MIDI sequencer ever made… Tom Jenkinson’s favourite too… But, like with the MMT-8, although to a lesser extent maybe, you do have to get your head around a different way of thinking and working.)

I’d actually say the only software purchase I’ve ever been 100% (going on 200%) satisfied and impressed with has been Renoise.

It just astounds me that they put such ridiculous price tags on software like: Cubase, Ableton Live, etc. and they barely function properly on release; they always feel ropey and slightly undertested/developed… Not wanting to induce cringe by bumming Renoise on the Renoise forum, but from the way developers listen to users to the regularity of updates and fluidity of design, you get one of the only s/w music products where every release feels like an evolution.

There are always five degrees worse which is called Trust.

I can’t recall i ever bought something that turned out useless. However, i did bought stuff that i eventually did not used or played at all like certain games.
I bought Pro Pilot '99 simulator and installed the game once just to never play it again.
That’s the reason why i look very carefully at software and try demo’s first before investing at all.
This somehow works for me.


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Edirol UA-25

I’m a PC user, I didn’t know much about Macs when I got this, but I learned enough in the end that this was not worth it.

$60 USD got me a 233mhz G3 Imac with OS 8.5, 3 gig hard drive, 32 megs of ram

I managed to find a lot of free upgrades, including

DVD-ROM ( can’t watch movies, but reads data )
256 Megs of Ram ( only 128 could be utilized though )
OS 9.24 ( which to find out was notorious amongst the mac community as a terrible OS )
10 gig hard drive

The imac even with the upgrades still performed horribly, and upgrading it to OSX proved to be pretty much impossible. The OS was too out of date to run any trackers, and the only purpose it served me was to listen mixes from a different sound source. I actually love the speakers on the thing, but having yet another bulky machine laying around in my 1 bedroom apt is kind of a burden.

Buying this didn’t burn a hole in my wallet by any means, and I could deal with a slow machine so long as it was capable of doing what I want it to do. In the end, I was pretty let down… yep

Now my worst purchase currently is a DELL Vostro 1701. All my fault though, I didn’t pay attention while I was ordering it. But here it comes:
It has a 17" screen with a resolution of 1920*1200, powered by a GeForce 8600 GS but it has no other output than a VGA jack. Later I found out that you can actually rub a spinning CD by putting the working notebook on an unbalanced ground, like putting the laptop on your laps. Earlier I had a Sony Vaio Laptop from work that I was very satisfied with. It came with a great Audio bundle, had a descent soundcard (well, line in was noisy though), and had all features one would need (bluetooth, webcam, 2gb ram, dual core centrino…).

The other bad purchase was my IKEA kitchen that I decided to build up on my own which I didn’t until now.

This sounds like a dynamic bass boost. The low ranges go through a compressor thus quiet parts (e.g. ending of a BD) will be boosted while you expect them to end sooner. Useless for composing but I actually did that with a multiband comp in winamp for listening pleasure. Will you tell me the model of the speakers? I’m kinda interested :) I know people who dislike untransparent sound very much though, so you’re not a lonely soul.

edit: stupidity could be my brand, you wrote the model already. But now I read its features: it has “Dynamic-Headroom-Technology”, which seems to be a compressor. Not sure if it’s only for the low ranges though.

sorry to hear about that.

Ho yeah, Behringer…

I bought a Behringer Xenyx 1202 mixer few months ago…
Two days later I ordered a Tapco Blend 6 instead. Good ol’ Mackie.

C’mon… what do you expect from a PC that costs you $60? and is from 1998!!

That’s the same as buying this And wondering why you can’t get online with it. <_<

Well, not a complete desaster, but:

I recently bought a Terratec SoundSystem DMX 6fire USB soundcard which is actually a pretty cool card that has everything I need + a very, very well thought-out software mixer (you can basically route every physical input and virtual output to any physical output which is really nice, you can just change the routing of all your gear and software with a few clicks when you need it), but there is one thing that is really bad: the mic-input is noisy as hell. I read about this in a review on amazon before I purchased it, I couldn’t believe it, but it’s true, as soon as you plug in a Mic (that is switched off!) you have a noise leveling @ -42db on that channel… I am not often recording stuff with a mic and you can clean that up pretty well with audition and its denoising tools, but it seems so retarded to completely fail at this one feature… sigh.

But before I had a borrowed M-Audio Fasttrack Pro that was even worse, it costs much more and claims on the website to have 2x2 inputs… completely failing to mention that the first pair of inputs is XLR-Mic/Instruments-only and the second pair is optical input only. This means that this card offers absolutely no way of recording something that comes out of a normal pair of chinch-cables, like your turntable/dj-mixer or basically any piece of household-music-hardware. Well done.

Logitech dont make pro audio equipment, they dont make studio monitors. they make consumer audio products. I have used logitech 2.1 speakers and 5.1 speakers and they are very good for what they are intended for, playing games, watching movies etc. Great powerful sound, no distortion etc. But of course i wouldnt want to mix and master with those speakers because they are not made for that purpose. The bass response is too strong with ported subfoofers, mids are kinda lacking etc. So if you thought that you will buy some tiny logitech multimedia speakers and start mixing on them then well, you have to blame yourself, not logitech :)

Put your DJ mixer to those XLR/TRS inputs and it works just fine. You have to set the buttons on “Line” instead of mic (which basically cuts of the preamp section). I use RCA-TS adapter for these purposes.

yeah, but then you need some conversion from chinch to 6.3-TRS (an additional purchase) and you are not able to records instruments at the same time. the stupid thing in my book is to use “optical” for the second pair of inputs … what for? I don’t think thats a feature the average bedroom-producer is longing for in his sleepless nights. CDs can be ripped with any PC nowadays and I doubt anyone still has a DAT-Recorder in his studio… Atleast I sold mine ages ago.

Two tips:

  1. Knowing IKEA, they strip everything to deliver you the bare minimum storagable sized packages.
    Buy a kitchen at a specific kitchen store, usually you get all the closets in one piece and saves you from assembling closets and cupboards as well (only the doors are not attached yet).

  2. The thing with Kitchens (not specifically IKEA) is that once you got the stuff indoors…
    Go to the hardawre store and buy 4 sets of different lengths of screws and use that to attach the components together. If you use the shit-kit that somes along with your stuff, it results in complete shouting stuff doesn’t work and doesn’t attach nicely (indeed not with the original attachment stuff) plus you have to figure out how to assemble the whole stuff from paper.