Bad Purchases

IBM IS Lenovo now. There are no IBM personal computers anymore, because IBM sold the PC division to Lenovo.

I once bought an iMac. Just to see if Macs were really THE thing.

I learned they were not. At least not for me.

I bought an M-Audio FW410. It’s drivers are loads of shit, and performed especially bad on the Mac. After I realized that Synth1, MR. Ray and SIR are not Mac-friendly and installed Windows on Bootcamp I discovered that the M-Audio gets really confused when switching between systems since the drivers are 90% the soundcard’s firmware. What’s worse, I quickly realized that I really need balanced outputs, at least 4 inputs and ADAT interface to do any kind of serious work, so the FW410 was really a bad choice.

Cubase in the early nineties, nothing but a waste of money and time trying to get myself to love it… so I know that Piano roll is not really for me, only that it can be slightly useful to nudge stuff around with.

BotB: Toshiba’s hit and miss. I had one model … I killed 4 of them because the HDD was right beside the processor, and the faulty cooling system caused it to overheat all the time. 2 HDDs shot, and 2 processors fried. Luckily, it was a lease… which I bought out in the end… and promptly replaced the HDD and lubed the fan.

Yikes :blink: