Bandwidth Cost


I, and another friend run a legitimate bittorrent site and I notice that I am able to purchase renoise online.

I am wondering if it would help you guys with the bandwidth cost if people could use bittorrent to download renoise instead.

This could either be used for the commercial or demo version (or both for that matter).

I would be happy to help seed the demo/commercial renoise as a torrent file to help you guys with the bandwidth cost.

Let me know what you think.


Well I suppose if you really wanted to use bittorrent for the commercial version, you would setup a “demo” like version of the commercial one, and then request a ‘serial fix’ or some sort.

Anyway, I would think that people who buy the commercial version should get the best quality service and this would go hand-in-hand with the standard http method.

As for the demo version, I don’t see why not.

And yes this is why I wanted to post about it… we have this brilliant technology and many people willing to put their bandwidth to good use, so why not use it!

The problem with a serial fix is that this would make the demo limited by an option and a crack would easily make it availble.
This also makes it pretty much impossible to trace leaks if there are any leaks done by registered users.

Yeah I can understand.

So, a demo version it is.

Has pulsar seen this thread yet?

I could start seeding as soon as you liked.

ok, back to the facts :)

we had a problem with plenty of concurrent connections to lately but not with the traffic amount. so i dont really see the advantage of seeding renoise using bitorrent.

I wont stop you if you wish to, but right now the traffic on the server and the download mirrors can be handled pretty well.

Fair enough.

I notice on the video tutorials page that “I’ve dropped the whole bittorrent and p2p idea. Feel free to use them if you desire. we have three mirrors where the files can be hosted and i’ve had a word that the near future will bring along enough space to host possible larger editions.”