Bar Highlight And Cursor Centering

Sorry if I’m late on this:

I have to agree with settled. When jumping via edit step or selecting a line by double clicking, it is disorientating. Especially when you’re working closely with a number of complicated pattern commands. I’d love to have the option in there to scroll as necessary, as featured in other trackers.

I read your response dblue, and I apologise for reiterating. Just seems like a very good idea. So… +1. Though, I actually hate having to type ‘+1’, so I explained myself.

Big +1 here.

There are a few basic text editors that do essentially the same thing by paging down or up when the cursor gets too close to the edge of the screen. I end up losing track of what I was about to do and spend precious seconds reorienting myself within the context of the document.

It’s not a huge problem for me in Renoise, but I can definitely tell it’s having a negative impact on my work flow. Nothing breaks up your zen-mode like having your pattern surroundings instantly change and destroy all sense of context you have. “Now where was I again?”

another majestic +1 here

in another thread i tried to give an behavioral description, i repeat it here, please correct me if i write renoise-blasphemy.
Maybe we could compile a detailed behavioral expectation for this optional mode of user interaction:

i shorten the term “edit-position” as EP here

  • add a “keep EP centered”-toggle that alters the interaction in this way when toggled off:

maybe an adjustable hop count for mousewheel input instead of the currently fixed 2 line-hop, with shift-key modifiers

the only thing that isn’t contained then is if someone wants to move the edit position with the mousewheel while scrollbar stays fixed, but that is easily achieved by reassigning the mousewheel as arrow keys (there are tons of software for this overwrite, like “x-mouse button control” or good mice come with their own, e.g. i am doing this already with a roccat mouse to overcome the fixed scrollstep of 2)

i already bought renoise after a week of testing but this is something that really bugs me. That i can’t uncenter the EP and instajump on single mouseclicks in edit-mode feels very crippling.

cursor centered off and make an option to have the pattern centered so that you could always see the 64 lines. this is still the feature i want the most in renoise. this and pattern zooming.