Hi there, this is just a suggestion to all the hiphop producers out there.
What do you guys think about a beatbattle; a set of samples (no vsti’s) and renoise ?
And see what everybody comes up with in a limited period of time (for ex. 2 weeks)
Feedback much appreciated.
I’d sugest that we go for a fixed samplekit (so no samples added nor vsti’s) but the question remains how we construct the sample kit ? And where do we put it for download ?
i would love a hip hop compo. after being stuck in a cast for so long and unable to basically do anything, i’m extremly eger to get back to renoise, my tables and my guitar.
Word @ celsius:
The sample kit is being compiled and will be ready b4 the weekend (no straightforward shit should be expected…) so y’all know what to do over the weekend I just need a place where i can drop it for download. Anyone ?