Beat Slicer Vsti's

so whilst we’re waiting for the renoise’s own beatslicer, does anyone know of any good plugins, ones that allow you to drag/drop marker points on the break? :drummer:

Didn’t you see the “why we don’t need a motherf*cking beatslicer” clips?

Google told me, this is free Click

livelab liveslice
fxpansion guru
etc etc

search the kvr-vst forum for more

almost all the vsti samplers does beatslicers…

Don t you think it s reeeeaaaaaalllllyyyyyy more easy to 09xx your samples?

Renoise is actually better than a beatslicer. The slices are more exact if you cut the break manually. Sure… it’s quite a bitch sometimes when you want to get started fast, but it rocks in the long run + takes almost no CPU. :)

I’d like 09xxxx :dribble:
The dev’s need to make a rule:

add another effects column next to the 09xx effect and when they are this order, the second column acts as an extender to the 09xx effect.
So 09xx 0000 can be used as 094F 022B for instance.

Or even without the rule, for a bit less resolution (ok still high res):
09xx next to 09xx will combine the values as one 09xxxx number.

I have never gripped why it is so important that the beats get sliced into smaller parts???

The 09XX works splendid!

i’m using renoise mostly but i bought liveslice recently because it generally marvellous and one of the most fun bits of software i’ve come across.

You need to post this in the Ideas forum so taktik can see it… in fact, there are quite a few effects that need higher resolution, and this might be the perfect solution ;) … seriously!!! do it now!!!

… though I’d prefer user definable offsets in the sample editor tbh :P … but for other jobs like setting BPM, that would still be hella useful.

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DJ TerraByte has a good idea. it would make everyone happy… a better 09xx and it wouldn’t be a beatslicer…

instead of actually beatslicing, you would instead zoom on the sample to find the exact point and find what value it is… no more “oh crap it’s right between 08 and 09!”

Hey man… have you checked the keyboard shortcuts on sample editor??

I just found these out, and… now I’ve gotta say I feel like there is no need for a beatslicer.

I think these shortcuts and the flexibility of the editor should be better explained and put forward somewhere, because after checking these out renoise really becomes the ultimate sample tool…

The controls I’m talking about are arrow keys (left/right) to select the cursor point in the sample and the SHIFT+CTRL+ARROW keys (left/right) to select the selection from the place of the cursor to either beginning or the end of the sample.

Also important keyboard shortcuts for fastening the workflow are alt+arrow keys up & down and ofcourse Ctrl+x and Ctrl+V

Try these in this order

  1. Select a sample slot using the alt+arrow (up/down) keys.
  2. Select a place in the sample whereon the first hit ends using the arrow keys (left/right)
  3. Select the rest of the loop by using SHIFT+CTRL+ARROW (right) key.
  4. Hit CTRL+X
  5. Select another sample slot using alt+arrow (up/down) keys
  6. Press CTRL+V.
  7. Repeat (as long and as as the whole sample is sliced) =)

You can do this either in exact measures, or by selecting a sample accurate place wherefrom to slice the loop.

After repeating this a few times, it becomes actually faster than using a normal slicer =)

(I think there should be a tutorial on this, and I’m perfectly happy to make one too.)

Add that to Renoise In:Depth mate!

[quote="#<0x0000562852421230>, post:11, topic:19702"]

Hey man… have you checked the keyboard shortcuts on sample editor??

I just found these out, and… now I’ve gotta say I feel like there is no need for a beatslicer.

I think these shortcuts and the flexibility of the editor should be better explained and put forward somewhere, because after checking these out renoise really becomes the ultimate sample tool…

The controls I’m talking about are arrow keys (left/right) to select the cursor point in the sample and the SHIFT+CTRL+ARROW keys (left/right) to select the selection from the place of the cursor to either beginning or the end of the sample.

Also important keyboard shortcuts for fastening the workflow are alt+arrow keys up & down and ofcourse Ctrl+x and Ctrl+V

Try these in this order

  1. Select a sample slot using the alt+arrow (up/down) keys.
  2. Select a place in the sample whereon the first hit ends using the arrow keys (left/right)
  3. Select the rest of the loop by using SHIFT+CTRL+ARROW (right) key.
  4. Hit CTRL+X
  5. Select another sample slot using alt+arrow (up/down) keys
  6. Press CTRL+V.
  7. Repeat (as long and as as the whole sample is sliced) =)

    You can do this either in exact measures, or by selecting a sample accurate place wherefrom to slice the loop.

    After repeating this a few times, it becomes actually faster than using a normal slicer =)

    (I think there should be a tutorial on this, and I’m perfectly happy to make one too.)

    I could paste this under the existing in:Depth article or i could replace the video with one that does this.</0x0000562852421230>