When you combine the tools Overtune and AwesomeSawce, bell sounds are very easy to make on your own!! yay!!!
Overtune advised settings:
Step 1: sin(X+sin(X)sin(X3))
all the other params: leave default
AwesomeSawce advised settings (possibly after duplicating):
Count: 04 One Tuned?: Yes
Detune: 07
Osc. Type: User
Tuning Dir.: Up&Down
Tuning Res.: Semitone
Tuning Slope: Linear
all the other params: leave default
add a volume envelope that’s only a short decay. Turn it’s Sustain Off and set Release to 0 (yes, weird words for making sure it runs the entire envelope, but it works)
final tip. Add a multitap and play.
You don’t want the demo you really wanna do this urself
This is another cool formula to put at the first:
or for example a recursive type of formula:
where the influence of frequency modulators can be controlled by changing the 2 at the end
Finally figured out how to use these nice tools =)
Please don’t think i’m a complete retard, but could you post an example .xrns or .xrni? I followed your instructions above, but mine doesn’t sound much like a bell