Best freeware LUA ide?


I tried to add this plugin to my netbeans 8 :

But it doesn’t work with v8 it seems… Do you have any hint to me whats the best freeware LUA ice for OSX (or cross platform)? D

The best would be a plugin for eclipse netbeans 8, or at least an IDE with LUA api autocompletion. This is done in eclipse netbeans 8but making an idehelper or gist??, but no cue how to do it. Of course autocompletion for the Renoise API would be very helpful, too!!

Any tipps , tricks?

Autocompletion for the Renoise API is something I regularly miss. Would be great to have.

As for crossplatform, two similar editors spring to mind (I personally am not a big fan of Eclipse, it feels kind of bloated).

Sublime - a lot of people seem to love this one

Atom - similar to sublime, but more customizable (you need to install a few packages first, lua support is not built in).

The lua wiki has a lot of IDEs listed as well:

As for crossplatform, two similar editors spring to mind (I personally am not a big fan of Eclipse, it feels kind of bloated).

Sublime - a lot of people seem to love this one

Atom - similar to sublime, but more customizable (you need to install a few packages first, lua support is not built in).

Many thanks! Yes eclipse feels slow and bloated, but I mixed it up :slight_smile: (horror memories from the past I guess)I meant NetBeans 8!! NetBeans still feels a bit bloated, but not as much as Eclipse!! It has extensions for almost any kind of language, only lua seems to be missing!

I will try those two. Sublime text is quite often mentioned…

Wow sublime text looks very good, never seen such a plain looking editor which gui is so fast… In case anybody is interested, here is a good tut/tip collection for starting with it (not only php):

Didn’t check lua support so far…

Do you have any hint to me whats the best freeware LUA ice for OSX (or cross platform)?

I can suggest ZeroBrane Studio IDE I’ve been developing: It’s an open-source and cross-platform Lua IDE and includes auto-complete, debugging, fuzzy search, function outline and many others features to assist in Lua development.

As to the support for Renoise API, it shouldn’t be too difficult to add if someone wants to write a script to make it available in the format that ZeroBrane Studio support. It has already been done for various Lua engines and several people implemented packages to support their favorite toolkits and frameworks. For example, see this package: Paul.

What about emacs? :smiley:

I can suggest ZeroBrane Studio IDE I’ve been developing:

Wow, that’s one of the best lua-focused editors I’ve seen.

And it’s got a static code analyzer - very cool.

What about emacs? :smiley:

Or Vim?

Or both, as in Spacemacs!

No you got me wrong: This sublime text is huge! It’s the best editor I have seen so far. There are gigantic amounts of plugins like auto-beautifier, syntax lookup, class lookup, git support, minifiers, auto compilers, auto completers, support for lua (rudimentary autocomplete only, but auto compiler / on-the-fly-checker ), less, js, php, symfony, laravel, objective-c, c++… etc.etc.

One of the best editors ever, I would say. It loads within 500ms and the gui is always faster than a terminal window, since it seems to use quartzgl or OpenGL. There is a neat graphical scrollable text overview all the time. It’s like the next generation coding editor!

You need to hack terminal and some config files to make it work properly. I would suggest to install:

  1. brew

  2. node with brew

  3. composer with brew

  4. git with brew

  5. lot of packages with composer


Always read the doc of the plugin first!

What’s I am really missing is this nice autocomplete + on-the-fly popup command documentation that you got in Netbeans (I always forget the syntax of some css, html, php commands by time…) .

Sublime is… sublime!

I spotted it on taktik’s screen one day, and have been in love with it ever since.

Happy customer for a few years now :wink:

No you got me wrong: This sublime text is huge! It’s the best editor I have seen so far. There are gigantic amounts of plugins like auto-beautifier, syntax lookup, class lookup, git support, minifiers, auto compilers, auto completers, support for lua (rudimentary autocomplete only, but auto compiler / on-the-fly-checker ), less, js, php, symfony, laravel, objective-c, c++… etc.etc.

One of the best editors ever, I would say. It loads within 500ms and the gui is always faster than a terminal window, since it seems to use quartzgl or OpenGL. There is a neat graphical scrollable text overview all the time. It’s like the next generation coding editor!

You need to hack terminal and some config files to make it work properly. I would suggest to install:

  1. brew

  2. node with brew

  3. composer with brew

  4. git with brew

  5. lot of packages with composer


Always read the doc of the plugin first!

What’s I am really missing is this nice autocomplete + on-the-fly popup command documentation that you got in Netbeans (I always forget the syntax of some css, html, php commands by time…) .

Never understood what is so special about sublime (or atom for that matter). Tried both. None seemed to support basic and efficient text motion. The arrow keys are just too far away from where my hands are when typing. I hated modal editing when I had to start using Vim during my bachelor studies back then, but nowadays, using anything without (good!) Vim bindings is incredibly inefficient for me when programming. Here is a good article on that issue:

Now, Vim is not perfect either, unfortunately, which is why I suggested Spacemacs in an earlier post. Due to it being based on Emacs there is a plugin (mode) for everything, but with the added benefit of modal editing everywhere. Not sure there is anything more powerful and efficient available yet.

Never understood what is so special about sublime (or atom for that matter). Tried both. None seemed to support basic and efficient text motion. The arrow keys are just too far away from where my hands are when typing. I hated modal editing when I had to start using Vim during my bachelor studies back then, but nowadays, using anything without (good!) Vim bindings is incredibly inefficient for me when programming. Here is a good article on that issue:

Now, Vim is not perfect either, unfortunately, which is why I suggested Spacemacs in an earlier post. Due to it being based on Emacs there is a plugin (mode) for everything, but with the added benefit of modal editing everywhere. Not sure there is anything more powerful and efficient available yet.

Vim ist great, but VimL sucks hard. Thats the reason why i like emacs more. Elisp is so quite powerful, you can do everything from twitter to a rest client inside the editor. But emacs have also downside, like missing threading / multicore support. Editing big files inside let it sometimes stuck with cpu at 25%(1 core on full load) for along time and you cant do anything, only spam Ctrl-g. I use a vim plugin in Phpstorm at my work and Emacs for everything else.

Vim ist great, but VimL sucks hard. Thats the reason why i like emacs more. Elisp is so quite powerful, you can do everything from twitter to a rest client inside the editor. But emacs have also downside, like missing threading / multicore support. Editing big files inside let it sometimes stuck with cpu at 25%(1 core on full load) for along time and you cant do anything, only spam Ctrl-g. I use a vim plugin in Phpstorm at my work and Emacs for everything else.

Totally agree. I used PyCharm with the Vim plugin at work for quite some time. But recently switched to Spacemacs, so far I like it.