Big xmas pack of xrni

Big xmas pack

hope you’ll enjoy

have fun and happy xmas


Can you please post a list of the contents?

Plus where do the sounds come? Who created them? What’s the license?


(This may all be explained inside the ZIP itself, but since it’s over a gigabyte I’m sure people would appreciate some info before downloading)

it’s a pack with waveform i found on internet

sonatina a free orchestral librairy

some bass and stuff i’ve made

and some free breakbeat and drummachine

AKWF and a lot of other stuff that you cant redistribute i think…

Btw. The drum machine stuff - i thought that ive found gold but it is not organized like kit, just loaded files :frowning:

AKWF and a lot of other stuff that you cant redistribute i think…

Btw. The drum machine stuff - i thought that ive found gold but it is not organized like kit, just loaded files :frowning:

why do you think i can’t redistribute them : i don’t make any money and it was allready free

That’s really nice of you!

Thanks brother!

Hey, now and then free samples do come with a license. Some stuff is “public domain”, and then nobody cares about anything you do with it. Other stuff is free, but will come with licenses that can keep dumb idiots from actually selling it. Now you can often modify and copy it around freely, but you will need to keep to and pass on the licenses with the samples. Please consider this, go through your sources once again looking for the licenses, so your samplepack has potential to be kept online 4eva & not bringing up bad surprises aka mad lawyers or angry sample creators.

Just in case: Somebody will make corectly mapped drumkits from these vintage drumkits samples, upload them PLEASE!

I dont have patience for this but it would be amazing :slight_smile:

why do you think i can’t redistribute them : i don’t make any money and it was allready free

Yeah, but, some stuff is ‘free’ in the lagniappe sense. It doesn’t mean you can take a whole tray of beignets out the bakery and pass them around to all your friends.

Sure, they are nice guys with the gifts and stuff. They are doing something nice for you to make you like coming in their shop, right? Maybe you will remember them and tell your friends about their shop so that they go there too.

So, just because it was given without an exchange of money does not mean it doesn’t have value, at least in somebody’s estimation.

Licensing sound is a scam. How you gonna tell somebody you own a sound??? really though…

In an evil corporate voice “I own a sine wave and all sound is made of sine waves now you all owe me money!!! bwhahaha!!!”

2017 bump