Bit Arts Xrns

well, what about it chaps? great xrns songs built entirely with renoise native devices. they languish around the forums and on various hard drives furtively passed around, and showcase what can be done with renoise like no other song file i’ve seen.

why not include them in the upcoming 2.8 distribution?

Wowowow, calm down, pls. :lol: I apprecciate your support and of course I’m glad you like my stuff, but let’s stay real. I haven’t done a single complete song, just some examples of DSP chains. And there are several really cool demo tracks in the Renoise distribution, like for example Hunz’s impressive demonstration of Renoise capabilities. Since the descision of adding demo tracks to a distribution usually is the devs choice and not a democratic act, this thread makes me feel pretty embarrassed. So please, stop this, as much as I apprecciate your effort. Thx! :)

apologies for the embarrassment. if you look in the songs folders though, there are plenty of “tutorial” songs which basically just demo techniques, so they don’t have to be full song files.

anyway. just sayin’

mods/devs: delete this thread if you want…

@oootini: hey, there’s no shame in saying you like someone’s work. no need to delete the thread simply because Bit_Arts has a hard time taking a compliment :P

i agree with you. even though he might not like to hear it, Bit_Arts has some serious skills when it comes to DSP-chains. if i didn’t speak out on that i’d feel like a liar. even if they don’t get added to the default install, it is good to draw some attention to them so people can search them out for themselves and learn from them.

@Bit_Arts: your humble attitude graces you. but credit where credit’s due.

Not humble, rhowaldt. Just realistic. As sure as I am it’s not about the quality of the files, I’m also sure there is still a reason why they 're not considered to be part of the demo files. Any idea? :D I’m fine with that, because I never did and still don’t do files with the intention to become a contributor to the distribution. :)

Beside that I always apprecciate a compliment. So, thanks to you and oootini again. :)

There are generally two types of xrns packaged with Renoise.

Tutorials - Which mainly try and show through the basics, such as pattern commands, delay, nna etc.

Demo Songs - Not 100% sure what the criterion would be here…

I would say yours, and a couple of others I have mentioned would be good to include in the past, could possible make up a third group. Advanced Tutorials. For once you understand the basics but to give an idea of going beyond what is obvious. :)

This is not gonna happen, at least not for my tutorials. We both know why. ;) And I really don’t care. Not worth any further discussion.