Block loop at end of pattern may trigger first line twice when switching patterns

If you schedule a block loop to play using the pattern matrix, renoise will trigger the first line of the scheduled loop twice, if the block is in the last lines of the pattern. Here is a video of it happening. You can see that after moving to the scheduled block loop, the play head stays in the same place for two beats. You can see the line triggering twice in the scopes.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Open Renoise
  2. Start a new song
  3. Load any instrument
  4. Record some random notes to fill the pattern
  5. click “+” in the pattern sequencer to create a second pattern
  6. Again, record some random, differnt notes into the new pattern to fill it.
  7. Move the cursor to the bottom of the pattern
  8. activate “block loop” in the transport panel. The last lines of the pattern should be highlighted.
  9. Press play in the transport panel. You should hear your block loop
  10. press play on the first pattern in the pattern sequencer to schedule it

Expected behavior: after a block loop completes, it should jump to the scheduled block loop and continue as normal
Actual Behavior: After jumping to the new block, the first line is played twice, before continuing. This inserts an unexpected line into playback, disrupting rhythm.

This is happening on both mac and linux, renoise version 3.4.4.
Thanks for reading

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this is horrific behaviour and makes me wonder if this is what’s stopping people from using blockloop with different patterns live

Thanks for the detailed report. Will be fixed.

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